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Academics Fix Another Problem

, Malcolm A. Kline

How many academics does it take to fix America’s criminal justice system? Twenty. That’s how many participated in a National Research Council (NRC) study of U.S. prisons and their effect on inner cities. The study…

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Common Core’s Slow Collapse

, Malcolm A. Kline

As a public service, we try to track the progress, or lack thereof, of the latest top-down education reform concocted by elites and insiders—Common Core. We are aided immeasurably by the Heartland Institute which publishes…

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FAA Hiring Scandal Barely Registers with the Media

, Roger Aronoff

Editor’s note: See what happens when we get rid of tests.  The Fox Business Network (FBN) should be congratulated for launching a six-month investigation into the Federal Aviation Administration’s hiring practices, an investigation revealing complicity between…

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In Epps Analysis of Executive Order

, Tony Perkins

Editor’s Note: University of Baltimore Law Professor Garrett Epps Strikes Out Again Governor Jindal’s attempt to protect individual rights from government intrusion has received the now all-too-familiar slander and cranky response from those who don’t…

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Happy Memorial Day!

, Spencer Irvine

We at Accuracy in Academia remember all the sacrifices of American servicemen and servicewomen of years past and present. God bless you and your families and loved ones, and God bless America.

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