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Gay Public School Punishment

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Rebekah Rice, a student at Santa Rosa’s Maria Carillo High School, was herself being harassed by other students because of her religious beliefs, when she was sent to the principal’s office for using the phrase “that’s so gay” in response to her tormentors.

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God Censored From Yearbook

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Liberty Union High School district in Contra Costa [California] this week changed its policy banning parent-paid religious ads from its yearbook. The change was instigated after the school district received a letter from the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), explaining that the policy is a violation of free speech rights.

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Charter School Safety

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A new report from the National Charter School Research Project finds that urban public charter schools appear to be safer and experience fewer discipline problems than their traditional public school counterparts.

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Unprotected Collegians

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Dr. Miriam Grossman, psychiatrist at UCLA and author of Unprotected- A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student, talks about how school counseling has gone astray.

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Lavender Textbooks

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California State Senator Sheila Kuehl has introduced legislation that will ban textbooks and teachers from any instruction that “reflects adversely” upon homosexuality, transgenders, bisexuals or those with perceived gender issues.

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