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Pre-K Progressive Push

, Nick Kowalski

On a panel promoting pre-Kindergarten programs at a conference recently in Austin, Texas, a pair of government officials–one local, one federal–made their case. Representing the City of New York, Richard Buery suggested that employing universal…

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Creativity and Common Core

, Nick Kowalski

This SXSWedu session’s description sums up the matter: “What if job performance was measured by a year-end test aiming to boil all of our work down to a single score? As meaningless as that would…

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School Choice: The Milwaukee Magnet

, Nick Kowalski

When it becomes successful in their own backyards, even die-hard liberals support school choice. “I support [means-tested, not universal] vouchers, I support homeschooling, I support charter schools, I support changes in the traditional system, [and]…

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The Clintons’ Pornographer

, Paul Kengor

An aspect of the Clinton Years that most academic historians might miss: When Larry Flynt is feeling righteous, he describes himself as a crusader: for civil liberties in general and free speech in particular.” So…

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Soviet Peace Studies

, Cliff Kincaid

In 1981, the Soviet-front U.S. Peace Council held its second national conference. Endorsers included Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis, one of Obama’s associates in Chicago, and David Cortright of a group known as SANE, for…

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Why The Left Must Destroy Ben Carson

, Cliff Kincaid

Black conservative Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is everything Barack Obama is not. That’s why he has to be destroyed. In a desperate move, The Washington Post ran a more than 2,500-word article on Sunday…

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Remaking of Alexander Hamilton

, Malcolm A. Kline

With their gift for ruining everything they touch, American progressives have done incalculable damage to the reputation of Alexander Hamilton. Yet and still, the first Secretary of the Treasury remains perhaps the most problematic of…

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Teachable Moment In Baltimore

, Spencer Irvine

Before professors everywhere seize upon the Baltimore riots as a “teachable moment,” we’d like to offer a few simple pieces of recent history to cogitate over. Expect your local professor to echo the president’s claim…

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