Recent Articles

What Black History Misses

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have a plethora of black history courses in primary, secondary and post-secondary institutions of learning throughout the United States. Yet and still, there are indications that quantity does not necessarily equal quality. “As the…

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EPA Regulates Without Science

, Malcolm A. Kline

When academic studies back up Obama Administration policies, you will never hear the end of them. When they don’t, you will never hear the beginning of them. Take, for example, the recent study by Johns…

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David Axelrod: Red Diaper Baby?

, Paul Kengor

Several times I’ve written for The American Spectator on the person of David Axelrod, the figure most responsible for giving America two terms of Barack Obama. My first piece was a cover feature for the…

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Scott Walker Strikes Again

, Malcolm A. Kline

For a quarter of a century, Republican presidential candidates have uttered variations of George H. W. Bush’s high pitched pledge: “I want to be the education president.” It has gotten them exactly nowhere. So far,…

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Bad News about Alternative Lifestyles

, Malcolm A. Kline

This year, a Catholic University sociologist published results of a study of children of same-sex parents that runs counter to much of the happy talk on the subject emanating from academia. “In the past two…

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Film Studies Deconstructed

, Malcolm A. Kline

Film buffs could make a case that the art of film has deteriorated with the prevalence of film school grads working in it. After all, the men, and they were mostly men, who made the…

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A Modest U.N. Proposal

, Malcolm A. Kline

Can it be that students gather annually around the country to construct a “Model United Nations” because the real one has failed so miserably? “What good does it do?” Judge Jeanine Pirro asked a packed,…

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It’s a Small Minority After All

, Tony Perkins

Liberals have long wanted you to believe there’s a consensus in America for redefining marriage, but now they are going global! Last month, Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh, along with a team of foreign…

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What if Abe Lincoln Lived?

, Spencer Irvine

Would the Civil Rights movement have taken place if Abraham Lincoln survived the assassin’s bullet delivered by John Wilkes Booth? Allen Guelzo, a civil war era professor at Gettysburg College, posed this question in a…

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Recent Articles

CPAC Goes To College

, Malcolm A. Kline

Every year thousands of conservative students flock to the Conservative Political Action Conference(CPAC). This year, CPAC is actually going to one of their universities.

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