Recent Articles

Roots of Revisionism

, Malcolm A. Kline

At Accuracy in Academia, we have long complained of academic historians who ignore primary sources in favor of secondary ones. What gets lost in that process from the former approach to the latter one is,…

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Delaying Common Core the Chicago Way

, Malcolm A. Kline

Opposition to Common Core continues to spread well across party lines, no matter how much the educational establishment tires to minimize the blowback. “Illinois state officials have threatened to withhold funding from school districts that…

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No Panes in Glass Ceiling

, Malcolm A. Kline

A pair of researchers from Cornell decided to test the theory that there is a bias against women pursuing academic careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and found that there is none. “Results…

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Abyss of Islamo-Fascism

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s one thing you can’t blame on President Obama: the politically correct approach to radical Islam on American campuses was well under way before he took office.  “The Achilles’ heel of democratic societies, as the…

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The Really Lost Generation

, Malcolm A. Kline

If the raccoon coat-wearing youth of the 1920s really were the lost generation, what would you call millennials? Generation Opportunity, “a national, non-partisan youth advocacy organization,” crunched the employment and unemployment data for March in…

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Head Start Still Unfinished

, Malcolm A. Kline

Try as they might, when proponents of early federally funded pre-school education ala  Head Start try to make the case for their cause, they can’t quite seal the deal.  “There is one study that shows…

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Charter Schools in Blue States: It Works

, Malcolm A. Kline

More evidence indicates that school choice works, even in so-called blue states. The Boston-based Pioneer Institute undertook a study of charter schools in the bay state and found that “Case studies of five high-performing charter…

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Decade of Silence

, Malcolm A. Kline

Gay rights groups are promoting a day of silence on campuses around the country on April 17. Across the country, they would like those who merely passively do not endorse their lifestyle to remain silent…

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Barry University Suspends Student for Video

, John K. Wilson

Laura Loomer, a student at Barry University, was suspended on Monday. Her crime? Embarrassing the university, by recording an undercover video for James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas in which she duped employees into expressing support for…

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Recent Articles

Human Soul Studies

, Malcolm A. Kline

A writer on The Imaginative Conservative actually attempts to assay, A Short History of the Human Soul, and does an impressive job of it.

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The Original Comeback Kid

, Malcolm A. Kline

On President’s Day, we not only remember George Washington and Abraham Lincoln but also another president born in February. American presidents of both parties, all too often, need to be appreciated at a distance. Of…

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