Recent Articles

Education: A Special Need

, Malcolm A. Kline

In their efforts to educate special needs children, public schools often miss one key facet of the school experience—education. Leanna Carolla, a public elementary school teacher in the Sacramento area, saw this trend first hand…

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The Left Protests Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

Opposition to the Common Core education reforms embraced by the Obama Administration is growing, and not just on the political right. The latest issue of the decidedly left-wing journal Rethinking Schools carries two items on…

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Deconstructing Hillary Clinton’s Inbox

, Malcolm A. Kline

Late last month, a law professor at American University remarked upon the legality of whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegally removed official e-mails since holding that office. “It depends upon what the meaning…

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Colleges Eliminating Self-Esteem Courses

, Malcolm A. Kline

Something that should give would-be education reformers pause but probably won’t: when ephemeral education fads finally come in for much-needed criticism, they have already done their damage. Case in point: the self-esteem courses popular 15-20…

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Elites Push Physician-Assisted Suicide

, Malcolm A. Kline

Overlooked in the media coverage of and academic debate about physician-assisted suicide: it’s not the people most likely to receive it who are promoting it. “It’s the well off and healthy who are calling for it,”…

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Culture War Not So 90s

, Malcolm A. Kline

In his first campaign for the presidency, then-Senator Barack Obama, D-Ill, declared that the phrase “culture war” was “so 90s.” Nevertheless, there are strong indications, seven years later, that the conflict is still with us,…

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Adam Smith Rocks!

, Malcolm A. Kline

There’s a reason you don’t see many Adam Smith ties in the faculty lounge. “Adam Smith believed there are few things that the government should do,” James Otteson of Wake Forest said at the Philadelphia…

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Recent Articles

Happy Valentine’s Day!

, Malcolm A. Kline

This year, for the first time in my memory, Valentine’s Day occurs on Ash Wednesday. In a way, it is appropo, because all of the saints who bear the name Valentine made the ultimate sacrifice.

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