Recent Articles

Ferguson Remembered

, Malcolm A. Kline

Universities are still trying to make a teachable moment out of the tragedy which occurred in Ferguson, Missouri last summer but considerably less so of the death of sidewalk vendor Eric Garner at the hands…

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Michelle Rhee’s Policies Still Linger

, Malcolm A. Kline

When she served as chancellor of Washington, D.C.’s public schools, Michelle Rhee’s policies provoked scorn from Capital City teachers, to put it mildly. Long gone from the D.C. scene, Rhee’s approach is still benefitting D.C….

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RIP M. Stanton Evans

, Spencer Irvine

Our dear friend M. Stanton Evans has passed away. He was a great mentor, friend, and conservative figure, not to mention a superb and detail-oriented writer and researcher. He will be sorely missed.

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Bipartisan Common Core Opposition

, Malcolm A. Kline

Contrary to popular belief, aka news media coverage, opposition to the Common Core education reforms of President Obama is stretching across party lines. “The Democratic Party in the state of Washington just passed a resolution…

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Common Core: Against Gifted Students

, Spencer Irvine

Now, after lauding Common Core’s benefits, Common Core supporters are scrambling to justify the oft-maligned education standards. At the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, UConn education professor Jonathan Plucker criticized school districts for using the standards…

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Scott Walker’s Mainstream Higher Ed Reform

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker unveiled his higher education reforms for the state university system, the reaction from that quarter was predictably negative. Yet and still, Governor Walker’s proposals are remarkably similar to several that…

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CAIR Meddling in Academia

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s not hard to find out who sets the terms of debate and parameters of discussion concerning the Middle East on American campuses today. As we have reported, our friend Tammi Rossman-Benjamin’s Amcha Initiative at…

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Recent Articles

MS 13 Gangs Not A Dream

, Malcolm A. Kline

Before academics downplay the dangers of MS 13 gangs that the President highlighted in his State of the Union message, they should contemplate the realities that U. S. law enforcement agents, not to mention citizens, face.

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White Supremacy 101 at CSU-Dominguez Hills

, Malcolm A. Kline

Well, they don’t call it that officially, yet. “A California State University-Dominguez Hills lecturer recently used her political science course syllabus to assert that President Trump was elected by ‘appealing to hatred and bigotry,’ even…

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