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McVeigh: Middle East Pawn

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While liberal news outlets such as MSNBC were cynically exploiting the April 19 anniversary of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by attempting to tie the terrorist attack to the anti-government sentiments of the modern-day Tea Party movement, investigative reporter Jayna Davis was setting the record straight in an exclusive interview on the AIM radio show, Take AIM. The Oklahoma City bombing was an Arab/Muslim terrorist attack on the United States, she says.

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Of Pedagogy & Propaganda

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Your column “As the Third World Turns” did a good job of pointing out the even larger entanglement between the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and organizations putting on workshops about Islam for teachers. However, I feel that your (largest) section about Barbara Petzen’s presentation left out some very important points.

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(Mis)Reading the Gospels

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Is The Annunciation, a passage in the Bible where the angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary that she will bear the Christ, a “pro-choice feast”? That’s what Catholic feminist author Mary Gordon argued in a recent Modern Language Association (MLA) presentation entitled “Rereading Jesus.”

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Global Warming Cools Off

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No matter if the crisis is global warming or global cooling, the environmental left always provides the same answers to the world’s woes, Marc Morano of Climate Depot noted at Accuracy in Media’s 40th Anniversary Conference: more government control.

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Community Organizes for Vouchers

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On August 20th, dozens of elementary students and parents gathered in front of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in a daytime vigil organized by D.C. Parents for School Choice as part of their SaveThe216 campaign to save the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).

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