Recent Articles

Questioning Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

Michael Petrilli of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute has nine question for Common Core opponents, which I would like to answer with eight questions of my own. First, Mr. Petrilli: Do you mean that you…

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Marquette Suppresses Academic Freedom

, Malcolm A. Kline

As we have reported, a professor at Marquette, John McAdams, was suspended after criticizing a graduate student who said she would not tolerate criticism of gay marriage in her classroom His suspension is drawing criticism…

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Common Core on the Ropes

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Common Core education standards are not advancing as supporters had hoped and the Obama Administration that promoted them bears much of the blame, according to a journal of the education establishment. “Common Core has…

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White House Targeted College Savings

, Malcolm A. Kline

While the Obama Administration hatched a plan to make community college free, the White House plotted a change in the tax treatment of savings accounts parents use to pay for their children’s college education. “During…

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Academic Freedom under Fire at Marquette

, Malcolm A. Kline

To its undying credit, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has questioned whether the academic freedom of a Catholic professor at a Jesuit university was violated. “Dr. John McAdams, associate professor of political science…

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Liberals Support Citizens United

, Spencer Irvine

Liberals do not understand that the Citizens United v FEC Supreme Court decision is actually a good for free speech and the First Amendment, visiting liberals at the Cato Institute said. Citizens United allowed a…

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Al Jazeera Makes an Appearance at the MLA

, Spencer Irvine

Haidar Eid, an associate professor at al-Aqsa University in the Gaza Strip, who also has a blog with Al Jazeera, pre-recorded his remarks to the Modern Language Association (MLA) convention in Vancouver, Canada. Eid apologized…

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Recent Articles

Poor Little Rich Universities

, Malcolm A. Kline

Universities that cry poor while entertaining themselves lavishly are finding it harder to keep up their public service facade, even in publications that would normally be sympathetic to them.

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