Recent Articles

MLA Out of Touch with Reality

, Spencer Irvine

At the Modern Language Association (MLA) convention in Vancouver, Canada, the degree to which many professors are divorced from reality was brought into sharp focus. Few panels at the conference that draws thousands of English…

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Teachers Support School Choice

, Malcolm A. Kline

More than half of American teachers support school choice, a Democratic pollster said at the National Press Club on January 22, 2015. “Fifty-five percent of teachers support the concept of school choice,” Debbie Beck said….

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When MLA gets Religion Wrong

, Spencer Irvine

When professors do pay attention to religion, they usually get it wrong. “Conservatives would rather have [social welfare] provided by religious organizations, which is incompatible with other aspects of Catholic social teaching,” Robin Sowards, an…

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Free Speech Confusion at the MLA

, Spencer Irvine

The academically free have different ideas of what free speech means than the rest of us do. At the Modern Language Association’s 2015 convention in Vancouver, Canada, Rosaura Sanchez [pictured above at a protest], a…

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Remedial Radical Professors

, Spencer Irvine

At the Modern Language Association’s 2015 convention in Vancouver, Canada, Susan O’Malley, currently an English professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), lamented that remedial education could not be stopped in New York….

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MLA Ignores Victims of Communism

, Spencer Irvine

The fall of communism and socialism have “robbed” the “post-Sovietized world,” Noemi Marin of Florida Atlantic University suggested at this year’s Modern Language Association (MLA) conference in Vancouver, Canada. After the fall of the Berlin…

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MLA Style

, Accuracy in Academia

Find out what English professors think they know in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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