Recent Articles

Teachable Moment on Israel

, Malcolm A. Kline

A pair of activists in the state of Washington are promoting an anti-Israel curriculum that high school social studies teachers are considering adopting. Ed Mast and Linda Bevis, of the Palestine Solidarity Committee, have developed…

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MLA’s Canada Health Care Guide

, Malcolm A. Kline

Next year, thousands of English professors head to Vancouver for the annual Modern Language Association (MLA) convention. Let’s hope they stay healthy so they don’t get to use the type of national health care they’ve…

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Veterans Honored Off Campus

, Malcolm A. Kline

This is the week that Americans honor military veterans. On America’s college campuses, the attitude towards them is more ambivalent, at least when their presence is compared to their visibility in the rest of America….

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Common Core Boosts Homeschooling

, Malcolm A. Kline

Naysayers take note: Common Core has had at least one unanticipated positive outcome. “Home schooling has steadily risen in North Carolina since it was legalized in 1985 by the state Supreme Court,” T. Keung Hui…

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The Timelessness of Phyllis Schlafly

, Malcolm A. Kline

At 90 and counting, a feminine conservative icon is sharper than feminists who are half her age, particularly the ones who teach in college.  ““What they do is make women believe they are victims of…

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Recent Articles

Academics Offer Defecated Rationality, Sage Said

, Malcolm A. Kline

Two things are interesting when one rereads the great Russell Kirk, author of the seminal The Conservative Mind, which proved that conservatives had one: (1.) how comments he made nearly half a century ago remain current; and (2.) the startling degree to which the observations of middle-aged Russell Kirk resemble those of young Martin Luther King.

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