Recent Articles

Economy in the Basement

, Roger Aronoff

Editor’s note: Check out our NEW Freedomnomics 101 course on economics here, for more information about real-world economics not covered by liberal academics. President Barack Obama is trying to salvage what most polls indicate is…

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Post-Colonial Evils in Africa

, Spencer Irvine

There might be a reason why academics don’t dwell on the specifics of life in post-colonial Africa. In a panel discussion at the libertarian think tank Cato Institute, prominent human rights activist, author and farmer…

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Tenure on Life Support

, Malcolm A. Kline

When a California judge threw out the state’s teacher tenure laws, he sent shock waves throughout the K-12 educational establishment nationwide and gave hope to American parents from coast to coast. “On a warm day…

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Gipper Still Wins Youth Vote

, Accuracy in Academia

Find out how the only Republican who can still capture the youth vote does so without social media in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report.

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Post-Cold War Recession Myths Debunked

, Spencer Irvine

The oft-perpetuated myth, that rapid economic reforms post-Cold War drove the Eastern bloc into early recession, has been debunked by an economics professor at the libertarian think tank Cato Institute’s conference on the Cold War….

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Pagan Catholicism at Loyola

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Catholic colleges and universities embrace diversity, Catholics should worry.  “Loyola University Chicago recently christened a new pagan student club, with its student organizer saying the group aims to help pupils at the private Catholic college…

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Anti-Semitism in Action

, Malcolm A. Kline

When faced with a choice between confronting two evils, elites—particularly academic ones—usually focus on the less prevalent one.  “In April, the Fifth Annual Conference on Islamophobia was held at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Law School, organized…

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Recent Articles

Four Pillars of Conservatism

, Malcolm A. Kline

For academics attempting to decipher conservatism, veteran publisher and conservative Alfred S. Regnery can introduce them to the four pillars of the philosophy, and they’re not going to like it one bit.

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Higher Ed Hijinks

, Malcolm A. Kline

And you thought education majors had no fun. “The fall of 2006 was a time of turmoil in my life,” Ryan Williams-Virden writes in Ed Allies. “Having dropped my Education and Cultural Diversity class after…

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Free Speech Hour @ UMass Amherst

, Malcolm A. Kline

The free speech policy at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst brings to mine an axiom of the late, great author M. Stanton Evans, which he dubbed “Evans Law of Inadequate Paranoia.”

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