Recent Articles

Common Core Rulz

, Malcolm A. Kline

On both coasts, grandparents are learning to apply a modern-day rule of thumb with surprising accuracy: If it looks inane, it’s probably Common Core. “The Berkeley school district’s curriculum for sixth-grade math was an exact…

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More Common Core for You!

, Spencer Irvine

President Obama’s favorite think tank Center for American Progress (CAP), wants to align standardized tests with Common Core standards. Recently, at CAP: Nancy DePalma, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, West Hartford Public Schools,…

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When Communists Murdered a Priest

, Paul Kengor

Editor’s note: The original piece was published at The American Spectator. It was October 19, 1984—30 years ago this week. A gentle, courageous, and genuinely holy priest, Jerzy Popieluszko, age 37, found himself in a…

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Magna Carta Remembered, Finally

, Malcolm A. Kline

A venerable enumeration of the rights of man is barely taught anymore, resulting in record low recognition of same. “I went to see the Magna Carta when it was on display a few years ago,”…

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Choosing a republican President

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

Note: This is the first in a series of essays examining the prospects for electing a republican president in 2016 and ultimately reining in the modern imperial presidency through the lens of Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist…

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Vietnam Remembered, Inaccurately

, Malcolm A. Kline

A left-wing high school teacher is actually complaining about a text book’s treatment of the Vietnam War, because it is written for the JROTC. “The authors cite then-President Johnson’s 1964 statements that North Vietnam attacked…

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Recent Articles

Buckeye Bests

, Malcolm A. Kline

Which state has excelled in producing presidents and college football champions? Here’s a hint: It begins with an O.

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