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Kaplan University Takes On Obama

, Spencer Irvine

The U.S. Department of Education’s latest rule, the “gainful employment” or GE rule, mandates that for-profit colleges cannot saddle students with debt at an arbitrary rate. However, it affects only for-profit colleges such as Kaplan,…

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Coming to a university near you

, Accuracy in Academia

Before you find him on offer as a university speaker or course, you may want to read the meticulously documented story of Cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal by former Accuracy in Academia executive director Dan Flynn.

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STEMming China’s Student Espionage

, Malcolm A. Kline

When the reasons mount for rethinking cherished academic practices, academia doubles down on those procedures. For example, as the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and others have shown, there is no shortage of science, technology,…

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Common Core: Beyond Rote

, Malcolm A. Kline

As we’ve noted before, when proponents of the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms try to make the case for the program, they often end up giving material to its opponents. Case in point: the Center…

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MESA Culpa

, Malcolm A. Kline

Accuracy in Academia has proudly joined a distinguished cadre questioning the federal funding of biased Middle East studies programs in American universities and colleges, and academic elites in those programs don’t like it one bit….

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Republican Sighted in Academe!

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academia is up in arms. The board of trustees at Florida State University (FSU) just named a Republican to be its president. Something called the FSU Progress Coalition just posted its concerns on the Academe…

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MOOCs Expand, Homeschoolers Beware

, Spencer Irvine

The School Reform News, published by the Heartland Institute, found there are over 1,200 massive open online courses, or MOOCs, offered by over 200 universities and taken by an estimated ten million K-12 students. Florida…

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