Recent Articles

Common Core’s Revenge

, Spencer Irvine

The Pioneer Institute, a Massachusetts-based think tank, released a new study, “The Revenge of K-12: How Common Core and the New SAT Lower College Standards in the U.S.” to help parents, teachers, and policymakers understand…

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Government Schools Harm Hispanics

, Malcolm A. Kline

Frequently, left-wing ideologues manage to harm the very people they claim they are aiding. “When your government and your school are constantly telling you that you’re a victim of a racist society who needs protection,…

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Do Millennials Need Conservatism?

, Spencer Irvine

America has fought for the Constitution and its values for a short time, but liberals and progressives have gotten the upper hand as of late. Tim Donner, the president of One Generation Away, spoke at…

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Freedomnomics 101

, Accuracy in Academia

Conservative University is a project of Accuracy in Academia and offers free online courses promoting conservative principles. The courses are geared towards college students, but are open to all lovers of liberty and free speech! Each course is taught…

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AP revising American History

, Tony Perkins

School’s back — and so is the liberal agenda! Across the country, parents and lawmakers are up in arms about an honors curriculum that gives new meaning to the phrase “history in the making.” The…

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U.S. is Losing Economic Freedom

, Spencer Irvine

The Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, released its annual index of economic freedom for the year 2013, using data from the year 2011. The results are not encouraging for Americans. The U.S., which ranked…

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Recent Articles

Columbus Smeared in South Bend

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those who want to tarnish the legacy of Christopher Columbus, but rarely take the time to find out what it is, have come up with a new way to libel him at the South Bend museum, not far from Notre Dame.

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