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Anti-American University

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Groups like Accuracy in Academia are providing the flashlight, and as the overpriced truth of American academia becomes visible, the purveyors of anti-Americanism, social and cultural relativism and overt nonsense will find the walls of their ivory towers less and less insulated from the real world, and we will all, particularly we students, be better off.

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Liberal U

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At Accuracy in Academia’s recent Capitol Hill event in Washington, D. C. , Conservative University, those in attendance heard from Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC), currently the youngest member of the U. S. House of Representatives.

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California Teachers Forcibly United

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Although the public employees union is presenting a united front in opposition to one of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ballot initiatives, members of the California Teachers Association are far from unified over the amount of capital that the CTA plans to spend to defeat the measure.

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