Recent Articles

Upside Down Academics

, Malcolm A. Kline

The divide between academics’view of the world and actual events on planet earth is a wide one.  “The United States is beset by acute foreign policy crises, from the Middle East to Russia to its…

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Texas A&M’s Christian Gathering

, Spencer Irvine

Apart from their recent college football successes and their former flashy and party-hard quarterback Johnny “Football” Manziel, Texas A&M University has had a different kind of success: a surprisingly rapid growth in its Christian ministry…

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Millennials Shifting to the Right

, Malcolm A. Kline

The so-called millennial generation, those in the 18-29 year-old age bracket, helped keep President Obama into the White House. “If only those over the age of 30 had voted, Romney would have won,” Emily Ekins,…

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Teacher’s Union Misses Millions

, Malcolm A. Kline

Apparently, some teacher’s union officials have taken too much public school math. “On a Saturday in May, members of the Michigan Education Association held a walk in Midland bringing attention to public school funding,” the…

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The Feds’ Charter School Supervision

, Spencer Irvine

Charter schools are gaining momentum, and a recently-passed bill in the House of Representatives will help make it easier to start and maintain charter schools. The Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act, an…

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Common Core Defeats Pile Up

, Spencer Irvine

Common Core, as it is known to the American public, has seen significant setbacks in recent months as parents and teachers have staged an open revolt against the government-mandated education standards. Its official name, the…

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Recent Articles

Look For Union Label on Paycheck

, Malcolm A. Kline

The process by which public employee unions have been able to accumulate political capital by dunning union dues from non-union members has been in reversal and the beneficiaries of that old policy don’t like it one bit.

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Arc de Trivial

, Malcolm A. Kline

The disintegration of higher education is depressing enough to cover on a daily basis but when you look at the arc of it at years end, it gets really melancholy.

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