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Dept. of Ed Goes Global

, Spencer Irvine

The U.S. Department of Education’s report, “Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement” tries to show how American students will gain more international experience. The report features six quotes by the department secretary Arne Duncan,…

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Why Foreign Aid Hurts the Poor

, Spencer Irvine

In his newest book, “The Tyranny of Experts,” William Easterly, a former World Bank economist who now teaches at NYU, attacks the top-down economic model that aid organizations and bureaucracies have pushed for decades. He…

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Oh Canada!

, Gabrielle Okun

American elites are quick to praise our northern neighbor when it applies more strict governmental controls than we do. Their silence is noteworthy, though, whenever Canada privatizes. In Canada, as in the U.S., parents are…

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Eric Holder: Obama’s Enforcer

, Spencer Irvine

Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund co-authored the book, “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department,” detailing the lawlessness of the Obama administration and of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. John Fund is a nationally recognized…

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Flatlining Education

, Gabrielle Okun

The constant debate of how to fix public education is far from over. However, The Heritage Foundation came across new research for an improved education policy. Jennifer A. Marshall, Vice President of the Institute for…

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Common Core Loses in Louisiana

, Tony Perkins

The Obama administration’s “Common Core” education curriculum is lowering the bar for American students and giving the federal government even greater authority in education than they have had in the past. Rather than strengthening American…

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Chomsky & Chomsky: Apple & Tree

, Malcolm A. Kline

The old adage that the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree seems to be playing out with a vengeance in the family of legendary left-wing academic Noam Chomsky. We’ve devoted considerable ink to…

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Dear House GOP: Don’t Sue Obama

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

House Speaker John Boehner’s idea to sue the president gained steam last week as the House passed, largely along party lines, a resolution authorizing a suit charging the president with failing to uphold his constitutional…

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One Generation Away from Freedom

, Gabrielle Okun

The Heritage Foundation recently showed a documentary entitled “One Generation Away: the Erosion of Religious Liberty.” This bold documentary emphasized the importance of preserving our natural liberties, and expressed fear that they could easily be…

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