Recent Articles

The Truth About Hillary

, Gabrielle Okun

Will Hillary Run? That seems to be the question on everyone’s mind.  She seems relentless and determined to win the presidency in 2016—especially after that 2008 loss.  Still, she will be 68 years old with…

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Archie has Two Buddies

, Gabrielle Okun

What works in a Modern Language Association panel for English professors probably won’t succeed in the free market. In the final coup for the progressive-leaning Archie Comics crew, Archie himself—America’s hero—was shot to death while…

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College Football on Strike

, Ethan Gaitz

The efforts of Northwestern University’s scholarship football players to unionize could have profound implications for the future of college education. According to the Associated Press, Northwestern University just filed a 60-page brief with the National…

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This is a College Course?

, Ethan Gaitz

Young people who want to spend their college years to undergoing radical intellectual transformations do so typically through the study of liberal arts. No other academic scheme is able to challenge the preconceived notions that…

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Recent Articles

AAUP Claims CDC Undergoes Thought Control

, Malcolm A. Kline

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is upset at apparent attempts by the Trump Administration to change the vocabulary of federal employees, such as doctors and staff at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

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Requiem for James Madison

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academics have been offering excuses for not teaching the founders for decades. Perhaps it is not because the framers are irrelevant and dated but because they are all too eerily relevant.

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The FBI Story

, Malcolm A. Kline

In one sentence, my predecessor at Accuracy in Academia describes the metamorphosis of the legendary federal government agency and shows why it may soon be a career target for gender studies majors.

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