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Ball State Bonanza

, Ethan Gaitz

Bureaucratic ineptitude is nothing new to the American public (as well as the readership of AIA). It becomes almost invariably more difficult for an agency or institution to function smoothly once it reaches a certain…

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College Costs Exploding

, Ethan Gaitz

Any sanguine prognosticators who may have predicted a decline in the average cost of attending college may need to rethink how they arrived at such an off-the mark conclusion. At least 50 American colleges and…

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College Indoctrination Hits a Wall

, Malcolm A. Kline

College faculties may be further to the political left than they have ever been but students aren’t necessarily following in the same direction. “In 1971 National Review published the results of a poll of undergraduates…

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Checkmating History

, Malcolm A. Kline

Perhaps chess champions who escaped from the old Soviet Union can give us better history lessons than academic historians. “Sometimes I joke that if guys like Barack Obama and David Cameron had been in power…

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The Left’s War on Women

, Gabrielle Okun

While the so-called “conservative war on women” remains a favorite topic of talking heads, actual assaults on the gender are increasingly coming from the political Left. “Obamacare affects women,” Mattie Duppler, of Americans for Tax…

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Rich School, Dumb School?

, Gabrielle Okun

Although the U. S. spends more than half a trillion dollars on public schools, the Left still believes that raising that amount will somehow make students smarter. “Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools…

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The Duke vs. Duke University

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s a classic clash of symbols: The family of a right-wing icon goes head to head with a left-wing school, but for distinctly apolitical reasons.  “Heirs of the late movie legend John Wayne have filed…

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