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FIRE Files Four Lawsuits

, Jace Gregory

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) announced today that it is coordinating the filing of lawsuits against four universities as part of its new Stand Up For Speech Litigation Project. The project goal…

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Librarian Feels Target-ed

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Target, Inc. attempted to spread good will in the San Francisco Bay area—a market it was entering—the department store chain encountered resentment of its efforts to refurbish a public school library—from the librarian. “I…

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What Would Madison Do?

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

Coming soon: a lawsuit filed by House Speaker John Boehner challenging President Obama’s usurpation of legislative authority. According to the Speaker’s legal theory (summarized in a memo that closely follows a recent George Will column), the…

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Common Core Subtraction

, Malcolm A. Kline

Big name Republicans giving their full-throated support to the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms don’t dwell too much on what they are. They don’t look good in close-up. “Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in…

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Academics Blind to Terrorism

, Jace Gregory

Terrorist attacks are on the rise but the academic and media elites we rely on for information are, as usual, the last to notice. According to University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer, “Terrorism—most of it…

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Diversity Uber Alles

, Malcolm A. Kline

For academics, diversity is the answer, no matter what the question is. “Making news this past May was the release of employee diversity information at large tech firms, including Google, LinkedIn and Yahoo, which indicated,…

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The Constitutional Case for Gridlock

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

The Pew Research Center published its latest survey of partisanship in American politics this past week–and with it issued another of its regular warnings about the consequences of our contemporary political polarization. The report begins with the…

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Obama’s Executive Order

, Jace Gregory

The Pew Research Center has released a study examining media coverage of gay marriage surrounding related Supreme Court hearings. “Stories with more statements supporting same-sex marriage outweighed those with more statements opposing it by a…

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School Choice Victories

, Jace Gregory

Instead of improved quality and decreased spending on education, the government continues to spend more and more while results remain stagnant. “According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress – a standardized test often referred…

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