Recent Articles

Protest at Mexican Embassy

, Jace Gregory

Concerned Americans rallied together outside of the Mexican Embassy in Washington, DC today to protest the incarceration of U.S. citizen and Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, 25. Protesters included representatives from Help Save Maryland, a grassroots…

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Sex, Lies and Women’s Studies

, Accuracy in Academia

Conservative University is a project of Accuracy in Academia and will offer free online courses promoting conservative principles. The courses will primarily be geared towards college students, but are open to all lovers of liberty…

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Standardized Test Time Suck

, Jace Gregory

Why are classrooms silent right before summer break arrives instead of buzzing with uplifting and educated conversation? The answer can usually be found taped to the closed classroom door: “Do not disturb. Test in progress.”…

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Hawaii Stalls Sex Ed

, Tony Perkins

One person can make a difference, President John F. Kennedy said, and thanks to Hawaii State Rep. Bob McDermott (R) more people might try. The conservative dad took on the state’s Education Department and scored…

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Common Core Not OK

, Tony Perkins

After months of intense, grassroots push-back, opponents of the White House’s Common Core program won another big prize: Oklahoma. This week, the Sooners became the third state to officially dump the President’s education standards, complaining…

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Cop Killer was a Pothead

, Cliff Kincaid

John Avlon’s dishonest column on the cop-killers in Las Vegas should be studied by journalism students as an example of how to exploit a tragedy for political purposes. It is a shame he gets on…

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Educating…the Chicago Way

, Eric Owens

Thursday marked a high point for opponents of Common Core, as Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed legislation making her state the third to ditch the national educational standards. To read the rest of the Daily…

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Regent Does Job, Suffers

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have written about the travails of University of Texas regent Wallace Hall who, because of his investigation into UT practices, became a bête noire to the political establishment in the state capitol. As we…

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Recent Articles

Requiem for Charlottesville

, Malcolm A. Kline

Now, nearly five months after the fact, we know a lot more about what transpired before the Charlottesville face-off between the alt-right and alt left, thanks to a public records request from The Chronicle of Higher Education that netted the publication thousands of internal emails from UVA.

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Smart Students or Smart Phones?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Wyoming Catholic College seems to think you can’t have both. “When Wyoming Catholic College admitted its first students ten years ago, one of the policies that immediately went into effect now seems like one of…

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