Recent Articles

The Hegemonic Presidency of Obama

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

In a week of news coverage dominated by the Bergdahl affair, President Obama submitted, “I’m never surprised by controversies that are whipped up in Washington,” before forwarding his administration’s latest rationale as to why he…

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Tipping Point on Iran

, Spencer Irvine

Dr. Matthew Kroenig, associate professor and the international relations field chair at Georgetown University, spoke at a the Heritage Foundation on Iran’s nuclear proliferation efforts and his newest book, A Time to Attack: The Looming…

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Future of Conservative Education

, Ethan Gaitz

As the 2014 midterm elections near, conservative Republicans have found themselves in a situation that demands more than a mere denunciation of President Obama’s policies. There has been no shortage of criticism from the GOP…

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Hole in the Diversity Grail

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academia is doubling down on diversity and on anyone who comes near it offering diverse thoughts. A special supplement of The Chronicle of Higher Education features articles entitled: “First-Generation at Georgetown—A broad support system helps…

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Extending Common Core

, Spencer Irvine

The deputy assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education spoke at the left-wing think tank Center for American Progress this past week. After his remarks, several leaders of afterschool nonprofit programs participated in a panel…

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Deconstructing Common Core

, Spencer Irvine

On Capitol Hill, the Heritage Foundation recently sponsored a briefing and screening of a movie on Common Core, entitled “Building the Machine.” The movie was funded by the Home School Legal Defense Association and was…

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Big STEM Inaccuracy

, Malcolm A. Kline

Throughout America, debates about what to do about the shortage of science, technology, engineering and math graduates have been going on for at least a decade from the halls of Congress to most university campuses….

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Obamacare Slams Colleges

, Accuracy in Academia

In the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter, read about how Obamacare is not only hitting college students with higher health care costs.

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Recent Articles

Border Wall On Campus

, Malcolm A. Kline

They don’t want one on the southern border of the United States but they’ve already sequestered themselves, at least that’s what Tucker Carlson seemed to suggest to Johns Hopkins University Professor Wendy Osefo.

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AAUP: Perceptions v. Reality

, Malcolm A. Kline

Over at the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Brian C. Mitchell asks whether colleges have lost the battle for public perception. His answer, in an academic fashion, is yes. His reasons are academic too:…

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