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Student Debt Overload

, Spencer Irvine

Beth Akers, a fellow at the center-left Brookings Institute, conducted an interesting study on how student loan debt affects certain Americans of varying education levels, ranging from high school through post-graduate study. Her study, entitled,…

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Grand Old Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

Attempts by the Republican establishment to address educational and cultural issues are never pretty. They either try a ham-handed, top-down approach to “make things right” or invest prevailing, and often dubious, approaches with a Republican…

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Executive Power and Overreach

, Spencer Irvine

Philip Hamburger, the Maurice and Hilda Friedman Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, gave some remarks at the Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center centered around the increase in executive power and the power of executive…

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Abortion’s War on Women

, Spencer Irvine

Professors Byron Calhoun, of West Virginia University-Charleston’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Teresa Collett, of the University of St. Thomas Law School, addressed concerns about women’s health in abortion clinics on the one-year anniversary…

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ObamaCare is a Penalty

, Spencer Irvine

Ilya Somin, law professor at George Mason University, said that the ObamaCare mandate is more of a penalty to Americans than a tax as the U.S. Supreme Court held in its past decision. Somin’s remarks…

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Maryland’s New Show and Tell

, Tony Perkins

If you need proof that same-sex “marriage” is about more than “love,” look no further than Montgomery County, Maryland. There, parents are dealing with the fallout of the state’s redefinition of marriage with a sweeping…

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World Bank: Epic Fail

, Spencer Irvine

Development programs run by the World Bank and other multilateral agencies regularly fail because they rely on government aid rather than the free market, New York University economist William Easterly said recently at the Cato…

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Amherst’s War on Frats

, John K. Wilson

Amherst College, which banned fraternities and sororities in 1984, has now taken this an alarming step further: starting July 1, any students participating in an unofficial fraternity or sorority will be punished, and could be expelled….

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Regulated Nation

, Malcolm A. Kline

Some scholars are actually entertaining the possibility that America might be overregulated and, of course, you can find them at the Federalist Society. “All three branches have caused it and done nothing to stop it,”…

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