Recent Articles

Common Core Disses Poetry

, Malcolm A. Kline

The list of what is missing from the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms continues to grow. “Given the paucity of standards mentioning poetry at all, never mind the elements of poetry, it is not…

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Too Big to Fail?

, Spencer Irvine

At the Heritage Foundation, professors Charles Calomiris and Mark Flannery provided insights on the ramifications of the U.S. government’s bank bailouts after the 2007 financial crisis. Calomiris is the Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions…

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College Radiates Intolerance

, Tony Perkins

Radiation therapy can be dangerous to patients — and sometimes, to students. Brandon Jenkins found that out the hard way when he applied to a radiation therapy program at the Community College of Baltimore County….

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Decoding Common Core Math

, Malcolm A. Kline

If the Common Core education reforms introduced by President Obama and supported by big-name Republicans were subject to peer review, they might become a “whatever became of?” question. “Take, for example, my first-grade son’s Common…

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Jobs for Humanities Majors?

, Malcolm A. Kline

As commencement approaches, this year’s graduating seniors can look forward to pep talks about how employable humanities majors are. “Upon graduating from college, those who majored in the humanities and social science made, on average,…

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Trustee Who Verifies

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have long held that trustees don’t do nearly enough to act as a reality check on the universities they are entrusted with. Of course, when one comes along, the universities don’t like it one…

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Trio Fights Michigan Union

, Malcolm A. Kline

A trio of Michigan public school teachers is actually fighting with their union. “The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation brought a suit on behalf of Angela Steffke, Rebecca Metz and Nancy Rhatigan, who were forced to…

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Media + Academic Bias

, Malcolm A. Kline

The real test of the bias in academia revolves around who gets admitted to the faculty lounge. “MSNBC television host, award-winning scholar and Wake Forest University alumna Melissa Harris-Perry (‘94) will return this summer to…

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Educators Fear Paper Military

, Malcolm A. Kline

With literacy rates among high school graduates ever more of a mystery, educators are worried about…defense spending on education. Never mind that the Department of Defense is one of the few federal agencies experiencing funding…

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Recent Articles

No Sanctuary Campus for Conservatives but…

, Malcolm A. Kline

Try to start a Republican, pro-life, conservative and/or libertarian club on campus and you will be lucky to find even one faculty adviser even vaguely sympathetic to your goals but get behind a left-wing cause du jour and you will have no shortage of mentors.

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Taxing The Rich on Campus

, Malcolm A. Kline

It turns out that the House Republican tax plan actually does tax the rich, at least in academia. “One is the proposal for a 20 percent excise tax on employee compensation over $1 million at…

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Feckless @ Fresno State

, Malcolm A. Kline

Gregory Thatcher, the Fresno State University professor who literally tried to erase the first amendment rights of pro-life students who chalked their views on the sidewalks of the university has to pay for his attempt…

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