Recent Articles

Obama’s Failed Libyan War

, Spencer Irvine

The Libyan civil war did more harm to the country, its people, economy and its neighbors in North Africa when NATO intervened at the behest of U.S. President Barack Obama, concluded a University of Texas-Austin professor Alan Kuperman.

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Sexed-Up Extracurriculars

, Malcolm A. Kline

If you’ve seen the occasional stories on “sex weeks” at Yale and Harvard, you might be surprised to know that many colleges and universities officially devote more than seven days to the subject.

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Union Derides Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

When a Democratic president can’t count on full-throated support from the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teacher’s union, something may be very wrong with his education reforms.

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Recent Articles

College Associate Dean ‘Feels Badly’ for Sending Anti-Tax Reform Email under Department’s Name

, Accuracy in Academia

The University of North Dakota’s School of Graduate Studies sent an e-mail urging faculty and students to push back against the Republican-majority Congress’s efforts to pass tax reform legislation. The sender was the school’s associate dean, Chris Nelson, who said he “feels badly” for the mistake to send it as an official university e-mail.

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