Recent Articles

Blue Campuses Get Bluer

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Obama Administration’s former Homeland Security Chief has taken over the University of California. “Janet Napolitano had zero experience leading a college before she became president of the University of California last year,” Eric Kelderman wrote in The Chonicle of Higher Education.

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Checks, Balances, And Checkbooks

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

One wonders whether Christie ever imagined such a small return on the personal political investment he made when praising the Obama Administration’s declaration of superintendence over Hurricane Sandy relief a week before the 2012 presidential election.

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Higher Education’s Debt Kiss

, Malcolm A. Kline

The U. S. Department of Education wants for-profit colleges to prove that their graduates are gainfully employed. For their part, the for-profits claim that their non-profit counterparts would fail such a test.

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Feminists Attack Wikipedia

, Deborah Lambert

Feminist groups at several universities recently took part in an effort called “Edit Wikipedia Day,” to address what they perceive as the sexist flaws in the website.

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Michigan Students Protest Libs

, Deborah Lambert

In a bold move on today’s politically correct campuses, a group of brave libertarian students at the University of Michigan recently decided to stand up and tell the school that they were, in effect, “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.”

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China’s Common Core

, Spencer Irvine

Although we often hear about how China is in hot economic competition with the U. S., we don’t hear as frequently how eerily similar their education system is to ours.  “The Chinese government has always…

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Recent Articles

Why Literature Is Vital

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the Fall issue of the Intercollegiate Review, writer Gracy Olmstead makes a more cogent case for the study of literature than we’ve ever heard at the Modern Language Association.

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Real Historians Know History

, Accuracy in Academia

In November’s Campus Report, we look at the difference between real historians and the counterfeit variety we usually get in academe, the former bring history to life because they make an effort to know their…

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What Hath Wellesley Wrought?

, Richard Cravatts

In March 2017, six self-righteous professors (members of the tellingly named Commission for Ethnicity, Race, and Equity (CERE)) sent an email to the entire Wellesley community in which they railed against “several guest speakers with controversial and objectionable beliefs [who] have presented their ideas at Wellesley.”

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US Flag Defiled @ UN-Reno

, Malcolm A. Kline

Well, it looks like the University of Nevada at Reno is training the next generation of NFL fans: This UN won’t defame Colin Kaepernick but the American flag is fair game.

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