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Monstrous Thesis @ MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s hard to say what is more astounding in academe: the projects academics get emotionally attached to or the odd disconnect their finished products have with reality.

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Death of a Study

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the ironies of the academic tendency to constantly renovate old disciplines is that yesterday’s modernists become today’s “Whatever became of?” question.

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Syracuse Professor Studies Joni Mitchell

, Spencer Irvine

David Yaffe of Syracuse University headlined a sparsely-attended (eight people) panel discussion on “The Seventies in Black and White: A Soundtrack.“ Yaffe said that he and singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell “smoked a joint together” when he was interviewing her.

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Women Study MOOCs

, Spencer Irvine

The panel, titled “MOOCs, Boutique Subjects, and Marginal Approaches,” featured five college professors who expressed fear for the future of their humanities departments and courses because of the introduction of MOOCs, mostly from a feminist perspective.

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Professors Scared of MOOCs

, Spencer Irvine

When asked whether the college system was broken and what factors contributed to both programs and pay getting cut by their colleges, several professors reacted with strong opinions.

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