Recent Articles

MOOCs under the Microscope

, Spencer Irvine

At the MLA session, “Online Innovations: From Distance Learning to MOOC Madness,” professors from Carnegie Mellon, Rochester and Utah addressed a myriad of concerns about MOOCs.

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Common Core Besieged @ MLA

, Spencer Irvine

Gerald Graff, a professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, presented a defense of Common Core after author and educator Diane Ravitch strongly criticized the federal education curriculum.

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MLA doing Iran’s Bidding

, Spencer Irvine

Although the title of a panel at the Modern Language Association indicated it would be a forum for dissident Iranian artists, the panelists made few claims that the dictatorship there might dispute.

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Are MOOCs the Future?

, Spencer Irvine

Professors from Stanford, Brigham Young University and University of Colorado at Boulder claimed that massive open online courses, known as MOOCs, are not a threat to their profession, while simultaneously showing their colleagues how they could get in on the action.

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Flawed History @ MLA

, Spencer Irvine

Perhaps one of the unfortunate byproducts of the lumping together of English and History under the rubric “Humanities” is that English professors start to think of themselves as historians. When they try to be, they prove that they are not.

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Cuba Onstage, Castro Off

, Spencer Irvine

At the Modern Language Association’s “Cuba on Stage” panel in Chicago, Fidel Castro escaped criticism and mention by name from several art and music professors.

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Recent Articles

Feds Defund WGU

, Malcolm A. Kline

After an audit, the U. S. Department of Education’s inspector general has deemed Western Governors University unworthy of federal student aid.

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