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Autism Speaks & Articulately

, Malcolm A. Kline

One remarkable facet of disability studies: when the “disabled” actually speak, they do so with greater clarity and less jargon than those who would purport to study them.

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MLA Israeli Boycott Falls

, Spencer Irvine

At the Modern Language Association (MLA) 2014 convention in Chicago, delegates defeated a resolution to boycott Israel akin to one proposed by the American Studies Association (ASA), which had put forward an academic boycott this past year with the public support of Stephen Hawking.

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The Antidote to Bullying?

, Spencer Irvine

“The findings reveal that students attending schools in which bullying prevention programs are implemented are more likely to have experienced peer victimization, compared to those attending schools without bullying prevention.”

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The new PATRIOTism

, Spencer Irvine

A recent debate at Georgetown University’s Law School on U. S. intelligence gathering showed some surprising divisions over current policies and practices.

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STEMming Education Myths

, Spencer Irvine

When government agencies consider the need for education reform, they usually come up with the same solution for the woes of public schools: more money. Nevertheless, buried in their reports are nuggets of information that contradict that thesis.

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Republican With Small r

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

This column is part of an ongoing series of essays examining and applying the timeless principles and truths of the Federalist Papers to the political events of our day. We can say this for Congress’s recent…

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