Recent Articles

Alive & Tribal

, Accuracy in Academia

“Tribalism in the Middle East is not only alive and kicking, it is alive and killing.”
—Dr. Mordechai Kedar, professor of Arabic at Bar Ilan University, in a forum on Capitol Hill sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

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, Accuracy in Academia

“It’s alarming to me that most [Das]Capital-quoters I have encountered are white men.”
—Andrew Seal, Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Yale. (The Chronicle Review, B16, November 22, 2013.

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Is Cornell in America?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Public schools used to assign “What my country means to me” as an essay topic. One wonders what one would get from such an exercise if it were given to Cornell undergrads who got a chance to take the full panoply of courses available there under the heading, American Studies.

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War On Football Deconstructed

, Joe Daly

Football is everywhere in the news today. PBS recently released a documentary entitled “League of Denial” which took the NFL to task for its supposed attempts at covering up medical issues that NFL players were being afflicted with after their time in the league.

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Fantasy Economics of Obamacare

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s one thing to play fantasy football or fantasy baseball. It’s quite another to play fantasy economics. Unfortunately, too many academics do too little of the former and too much of the latter.

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MOOCs: The Awful Truth

, Accuracy in Academia

“Buried in all the hype about MOOCs is a somewhat surprising admission by some of the world’s leading universities—that their teaching methods may not be very good.”—Jeffrey Young, The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 15, 2013.

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Pedantic @ Penn

, Malcolm A. Kline

Scan through any college catalogue and you will find courses that are painfully obvious, at best, and trivial, at least.

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Recent Articles

BDS Proponents: Vindictive Losers

, Malcolm A. Kline

Despite a virtually unbroken series of losses—and in academia, no less—proponents of Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions aimed at Israel continue to dominate academic departments and do their level best to suppress Israeli advocacy.

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