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Why Ask Why

, Accuracy in Academia

“Why does environmentalism tend to be so pious and self-serious?”—From Princeton catalogue description of course entitled “The Environment Can Be Funny”

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Education Summit Blasts Republicans

, Spencer Irvine

At a National Journal and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-sponsored event in a D.C. Grand Hyatt Hotel conference room, New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Menendez used the event to slam the Republicans.

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Uncommon Catholic Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Obama Administration’s Common Core education initiative may be problematic for private Catholic schools as well as the public ones the program is designed for.

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Fidel, we hardly knew ye’

, Spencer Irvine

Humberto Fontova’s book, The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro, goes a long way towards filling in the gaps in media coverage of that island dictatorship.

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Activist Training @ Harvard

, Malcolm A. Kline

When a course is entitled “History of the U. S. for Policymakers, Activists, and Citizens,” you can bet that the target audience is the second group of constituents.

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