Recent Articles

Is Food Over-Regulated?

, Joe Daly

According to Walter Olson a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Constitutional Studies, the government should be conducting itself with a simple motto “Protect individual rights, curb force and fraud, and butt out.”

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Revising Stalinist Genocide Up

, Malcolm A. Kline

Recently, an associate professor at Cornell took umbrage at our chiding her for making one reference to Stalin’s death count in an article on the Soviet dictator that seemed to downplay his casualties.

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Recent Articles

Real Historians Know History

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s the difference between real historians and the counterfeit variety we usually get in academe: The former bring history to life because they make an effort to know their subject.

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Political Science Lesson from Evangelicals

, Malcolm A. Kline

The nation’s pre-eminent political science professors are still scratching their heads over the result of the 2016 presidential election: Perhaps they should chat with some of the people who voted for the winner rather than consult The New York Times.

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