Recent Articles

Common Core Rollbacks?

, Spencer Irvine

Common Core, the Obama Administration’s education reform program, has been exposed as untested, subpar and even outdated by international standards, despite the federal government’s sales pitch to states.

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Ike & The Constitution

, Christopher Manion

In April 1953, Senator John Bricker of Ohio introduced the Bricker Amendment to the Constitution. In the wake of the secret “Executive Compacts” that FDR and Truman had made with Stalin during World War II.

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Defending Western history

, Malcolm A. Kline

Recently, one of our favorite authors—Diana West, author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character— has been attacked, not from the Left but from prominent pundits who identify themselves as conservatives.

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Wrong Way on Schools

, Accuracy in Academia

“We put way too much emphasis on how many years of school students have rather than what they’re learning.”
— Isabel V. Sawhill, Brookings Institution economist in remarks there on September 12, 2013.

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Where Supervisors Outnumber Staff

, Accuracy in Academia

At the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, there are “380 unique departments and almost 200 supervisors who managed a single employee.”— Tulane University economist  Douglas Harris.

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NC “Scholars” Assail GOP

, Deborah Lambert

At one of the recent meetings, some of them “openly bragged about their arrests, fights with cops, and the help with legal entanglements they’ve received from the NAACP. More than 900 arrests have occurred since the protests launched in April.”

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Recent Articles

Bill of Rights Makes Comeback

, Malcolm A. Kline

Because we are so concerned about the preservation of America’s Bill of Rights, not to mention the rest of the U. S. Constitution, we were thrilled to learn of the efforts, and effectiveness of the Bill of Rights Institute.

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