Recent Articles

Massive Open Online Catholicism

, Malcolm A. Kline

A professor at a Catholic college claims to make “A Catholic Case Against MOOCs [Massive Open Online Courses]” in the Chronicle of Higher Education but his arguments never veer far from the secular.

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Ultimate White Collar Union

, Malcolm A. Kline

Something happened to the labor movement when it went from blue collar to white collar. This is nowhere more apparent than in the various teachers’ and professors’ unions.

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Recent Articles

Charter Schools Help NYC

, Malcolm A. Kline

The evidence piles up that in our largest city, charter schools can help the poor, even while the city’s traditional public schools continue to pile up an abysmal record. Stanford University’s Center for Research on…

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U Mich Mobs Murray

, Malcolm A. Kline

Perhaps college athletics no longer consist of competitions between sports teams but instead involves competing protests by student demonstrators.

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Military Academy Meltdown

, Malcolm A. Kline

Conservatives who have long desired that American universities resemble military academies may have finally gotten their wish but not in a way they ever intended.

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