Recent Articles

Two-Party System Deconstructed

, Malcolm A. Kline

“One of the biggest reasons the state tends to grow no matter who is in power is that the country has two big-government parties.”—W. James Antle III, The American Spectator, September 2013.

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The Other MidEast Divide

, Malcolm A. Kline

“Increasingly, the Sunni-Shia divide is becoming more important in the Middle East than the Israeli-Arab conflict.”—Peter Hitchens, The American Spectator, September 2013.

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Simplistically Clever

, Malcolm A. Kline

“’Simplistic,’ one of those words always used by people who want to appear cleverer than they are.”—Peter Hitchens, The American Spectator, September 2013.

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Utopian Epic Fail

, Malcolm A. Kline

“The abiding belief that we can plant democracy anywhere, and that it will then flourish in harmony and love thereafter, is never cured by facts or upset by anomalies.”—Peter Hitchens, The American Spectator, September 2013.

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Unequal Downside of Immigration

, Malcolm A. Kline

“We benefit from bringing low skilled workers”  into the United States, Dartmouth economist Ethan Lewis claimed at the Cato Institute but admitted that “we may be raising inequality.”

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Cold War On Terror

, Accuracy in Academia

Find out what the War on Terror and the Cold War have in common in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Hollywood: Swastika & Sickle

, Malcolm A. Kline

A Harvard scholar has unearthed archival evidence of the relationship of Hollywood producers to the Nazi government in the 1930s but most scholars stop short of implicating Left-wing icons in chronicling the run-up to World War II.

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Recent Articles

Parallel Universe at U Mich

, Malcolm A. Kline

After last year’s presidential election, most of us adjusted to a change of political parties and administrations in the White House. Academia had to adjust to the transition from a dream world to a nightmare….

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