Recent Articles

20 Ridiculous Courses

, Deborah Lambert

Now that accumulated student loan debt stands at approximately $1 trillion, it’s time to take stock of what students have been learning over the years.

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A Really Endangered Species

, Accuracy in Academia

“Republicans appear to be a scarce commodity among the attorneys who work at the Department of Education. So scarce, in fact, that there aren’t any.” —Nathanial Harden, Phi Beta Cons, NROnline.

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Wife Beating is legal under Islamic Law?

, Accuracy in Academia

Egyptian human rights activist Cynthia Farahat is an associate fellow at the Middle East Forum. The author of a political novel entitled Cognac, she has testified before Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House…

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America Betrayed By Elites

, Malcolm A. Kline

When you compare meticulously researched commercial histories with the extended blogs that pass for academic ones, you come to a startling revelation: Just about everything we’ve been taught about our history is wrong.

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Recent Articles

DeVos Makes Title IX Legal Again

, Malcolm A. Kline

In a “Dear Colleague” letter to university administrators, the U. S. Department of Education reversed the Obama Administration’s guidance urging school officials to go above and beyond, some would say outside, the law while investigating charges of sexual harassment under Title IX laws.

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