Recent Articles

River of Denial

, Spencer Irvine

Speakers at a recent forum on online radicalization of Muslims sponsored by the New America Foundation proved once again that denial is not just a river in Egypt.

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What free tuition costs

, Malcolm A. Kline

EC “identified nine countries that do not typically charge any tuition fees for students from within the EU – Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Malta, Norway, Scotland and Sweden.” Should we emulate this model?

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Myth of the Arab Spring

, Isabel Mittelstadt

Providing a perspective of the Arab spring not often covered by the mainstream media, female political activist Cynthia Farahat delivered an informative and thoroughly interesting account of her time growing up and living in Egypt.

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The Death of Dialogue

, Christopher Manion

It’s been four long years since Notre Dame welcomed Barack Obama to campus, awarding him an honorary degree and the opportunity to address the graduating class of 2009.

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North Korea’s Family Business

, Isabel Mittelstadt

It’s not unusual for businesses to pass from father to son. But when it comes to the Kim family of North Korea, it’s more than passing down a business – it’s about passing down a dynasty.

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Recent Articles

Title IX Turnaround

, Malcolm A. Kline

U. S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos vow to bring due process and the rule of law back to Title IX investigations of sexual harassment “triggered” much predicable criticism from equally predictable critics, such as former Vice President Joe Biden.

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Teacher Tardies?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those of us old enough to remember when students cobbled together excuses for being absent from class never dreamed that one day teachers would too.

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