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Ivory Tower Conundrum

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Former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said that “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.” But some in the ivory tower would prefer that the sunlight of transparency not shine too brightly into the classroom.

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Shahada and Gendered Spaces

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For the Palestinian people, martyring themselves in an attempt to attack their Israeli “occupiers” has become a sign of honor, not only for men but also women. At a recent convention one Professor of Language and Cultural Studies explored the “gendered space[s]” of Palestinian women’s resistance against Israel in the context of the First Intifada.

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Age Studies, Part One

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Since its inception Accuracy in Academia has catalogued the inner politics of a series of Humanities disciplines, including women’s studies, queer studies, fat studies, labor studies, and others.  This article will introduce a lesser-known Humanities field: age studies.

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Academic Wisdom Unboxed

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As one blogger notes, it is an academic tradition for professors to “try to one-up their colleagues by exchanging unintentionally hilarious sentences from students’ exams and final papers.” In a similar spirit, I will be providing some of the more striking statements made by professors discussing at the 2009 MLA Convention.

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Radical Academic Credos

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For supporters of David Horowitz’s student Academic Bill of Rights, academic freedom is about protecting vulnerable students from indoctrination at the hands of radical professors. However, one DePaul University professor recently argued that Horowitz’s conception of academic freedom promotes a “distinctly right-wing agenda” and “contains within it a backhanded insult to the intelligence of the students he is purporting to protect.”

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