Recent Articles

Rummy’s Rules

, Isabel Mittelstadt

Former White House Chief of Staff, Congressman, and two-time Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld has chosen to share his “leadership lessons in business, politics, war, and life” with the rest of the world in his new book.

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UB Faculty Opposes Choice

, Ali Swee

A full-out attack on the University of Buffalo Students for Life has been launched, by faculty members.  It turns out they are only pro-choice when their own viewpoint is chosen.

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What NCLB Left Behind

, Isabel Mittelstadt

A recent report released by the American Enterprise Institute reveals both the achievements and failures of the No Child Left Behind Act, while outlining needed changes for future education-based legislation.

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Bias @ Bowdoin Documented

, Ali Swee

For years, claims of liberal biases on college campuses have run rampant. Peter Wood and Michael Toscano of the National Association of Scholars set out to test these claims in a thorough investigation of Bowdoin College.

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An actual title

, Malcolm A. Kline

An actual title—Bob Meister, Professor of Political and Social Thought in the Department of the History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz

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A Promiscuous Education

, Malcolm A. Kline

“What we do is we encourage people to go to college promiscuously.”— Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association @ the bloggers’ briefing at the Heritage Foundation.

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Recent Articles

The Big Remedial Apple

, Malcolm A. Kline

New Yorkers like to think they are more sophisticated than us common folk. Perhaps they define sophistication as a big expensive ineffective school system.

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Clickbait at Gonzaga: They hire Melissa

, Accuracy in Academia

Melissa Click, the former University of Missouri communications professor who became famous for aggressively confronting a student reporter at a protest, is now working at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington.

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