Recent Articles

Arab Spring Failure Explained

, Malcolm A. Kline

Egyptian human rights activist Cynthia Farahat, the author of the political novel, Cognac, will speak at the next Accuracy in Academia Author’s Night on May 30, 2013. Complementary food and beverages will be provided.

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Federally Regulating Free Speech

, Deborah Lambert

This goes way beyond the Supreme Court ruling that to constitute illegal sexual harassment, sexual advances or other verbal or physical conduct must be severe and pervasive, and create a hostile environment.

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The Sound of Silence

, Deborah Lambert

A 90-page report about leftist bias at the University of California has stirred controversy among academics and other interested parties, but so far, the targets of the study have chosen silence as their weapon of choice.

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Academic bias at IRS?

, Spencer Irvine

Before explaining why conservative groups seem to have been targeted by the IRS, an agency official explained to congressmen why colleges and universities got a pass on taxes that they did owe.

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Recent Articles

Immigration for profit

, Malcolm A. Kline

For profit colleges, long the bete noire of the Left, may have found a way to get in the good graces of uberprogressives, research from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) indicates.

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