Recent Articles

Hybrid Deficit

, Accuracy in Academia

“Tuition alone cannot sustain higher education, which means that it’s essential to build support among people who don’t listen to NPR and drive hybrids.”— Chris Beneke, associate professor of history at Bentley University, and Randall Stephens is a reader in history at Northumbria University, in England.

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AIA @ 28 & Counting

, Malcolm A. Kline

A problem faced by both Accuracy in Academia and its big sister organization Accuracy in Media: Our goal—an accurate elite—seems ever more elusive by the year.

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House GOP Identity Crisis

, Malcolm A. Kline

On higher education, as on a host of issues, U. S. House Republicans offer unique criticisms, then wind up proposing solutions to crises that resemble those of the Democratic Party.

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Oh Canada

, Malcolm A. Kline


“And the country I was born in had no meaningful civil liberty tradition whatsoever: Canada!”— Donald Alexander Downs, Alexander Meiklejohn Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, on accepting the Bradley Foundation’s Jeane Kirkpatrick prize at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

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High Rolling on Hudson

, Malcolm A. Kline

St. John’s University President “describes himself as a ‘Brooklyn guy,’ suggesting a naivete about the high-rolling lives of Saudi princes and other money men who have given prolifically to St. John’s over the years.”~Chronicle of…

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Following Money: NYU Scandal

, Accuracy in Academia

“The central but by no means sole figure in this scandal is Jacob J. Lew, the Obama administration’s new Treasury secretary, who worked at N.Y.U. in the early 2000s for a salary that eventually reached $900,000, larger even than Dr. Sexton’s at the time.”—NYU Sociologist Jeff Goodwin

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Bad As It Gets

, Malcolm A. Kline

Author M. Stanton Evans got an early lesson in his law of inadequate paranoia: “No matter how bad you think things are, when you look into them you find that they are a lot worse.”

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Another Bubble: Law Schools

, Malcolm A. Kline

Apparently, we’re living in the age of bubbles—housing, financial, etc. The only thing they don’t have is their own reality show. The next one is about to burst all over the legal profession.

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Recent Articles

Hip Hop in Crisis

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those who long for a traditional high school or college curriculum, particularly when they never experienced one, might not appreciate the internal conflicts that plague multicultural education.

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