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The Real Roaring 20s

, Malcolm A. Kline

When you read history after you graduate, you invariably come away with a startling realization: Everything that you have been taught is wrong.

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99 Trial Balloons

, Accuracy in Academia

And one from Accuracy in Academia makes it a full 100 education reforms compiled by the National Association of Scholars in the latest issue of AIA’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Inside The Ivory Curtain

, Malcolm A. Kline

If students feel obliged to refrain from relaying tales of campus indoctrination, the dwindling ranks of conservative professors abide by an even more restrictive code of silence: Their livelihood is at stake.

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Hip Hop: Witty or Twitty?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Some may think we exaggerate how far a distance English Departments have traversed from Shakespeare and Milton. Just have a look at the program for the College English Association’s Middle Atlantic Group conference to be held this weekend at Montgomery College in Rockville, Maryland.

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Enabling Assault on West

, Malcolm A. Kline

“The reason that the institutions of the West are under assault is because they can be.”—Stephen Balch, director, Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, Texas Tech, founder, National Association of Scholars.

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Pedagogy of The Oppressive

, Malcolm A. Kline

A fascinating anomaly of the academic Left: No matter how many institutions they and their policies dominate, they still view themselves as downtrodden, even in the circles in which they are dominant.

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