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Drag Party

, Malcolm A. Kline

“I think the party was a drag on him more than he was on the party.” New York Times columnist David Brooks on 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney, at Harvard late last year.

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Advice For GOP From Harvard

, Malcolm A. Kline

“I will continue to write that the Republican Party should give up on those tactics that focus on voter suppression and find ways to appeal to black and brown voters instead.” Atlanta-Journal Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker at Harvard last year, ignoring the suppression of military ballots by the Obama Administration, many of them to “black and brown voters.”

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Where Academia Fails…Again

, Malcolm A. Kline

“Academia doesn’t train how to do archival research or reward people for doing it.” Hershel Parker, professor of English, emeritus, at the University of Delaware, author of Herman Melville: A Biography.

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