Recent Articles

Einstein’s Other Theory Tested

, Malcolm A. Kline

Scientific genius Albert Einstein posited a theory, other than the scientific ones he is known for, that has withstood the test of time:  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Look what comes last

, Accuracy in Academia

“In higher education the social values of social cohesion and progress, social welfare and service, the institutional values of economy and efficiency and the academic values of knowledge, truth, and increase in intellectual capital are…

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Bipartisan Brush-Off

, Malcolm A. Kline

“In neither political party are realists, libertarians and Christians particularly welcome.”—UPenn historian Walter McDougall at the Cato Institute, February 7, 2013.

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Follow The Boys

, Malcolm A. Kline

“A few decades ago, when we realized that girls languished behind boys in math and science, we mounted a concerted effort to give them more support, with significant success. Shouldn’t we do the same for…

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Recent Articles

Lawrence University vs. Free Thought

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Students for Free Thought, a group at Lawrence University, attempted to screen the documentary Can We Take a Joke? on their campus late in the Spring, they discovered that their classmates were not a particularly light-hearted , free thinking bunch.

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