Recent Articles

MLA Preview 2013

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s that time of year again. Accuracy in Academia is off to cover the Modern Language Association’s annual convention. This is the largest gathering of English professors on the planet.

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Propaganda 1, History 0

, Deborah Lambert

Robert Pacquette, a history professor at Hamilton College, recently wrote that although he’s a traditional historian who teaches the principles of limited government and respect for private property, he doesn’t think that those facts register with today’s students.

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Protecting Innocents

, Michael P. Tremoglie

The deadliest school massacre in history did not involve a gun; occurred before there were video games or violent television shows yet when God was still in the classroom.

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Obama U

, Malcolm A. Kline

We’ve been posting regular updates on the unprecedented run of Obama Administration veterans who have decamped for academe but the University of Chicago just landed a very big one.

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Intolerance of Berkeley

, Malcolm A. Kline

Private corporations and foundations can do whatever they want but one would think that the bigger ones would do a bit more research before endowing politically correct administrators with their prestige.

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Circular Logic on Constitution

, Malcolm A. Kline

A Constitutional law professor at Georgetown claims the Constitution is useless because nobody follows it.  “When you see how the law works up close, you just cannot miss the tremendous gap between the story law…

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Recent Articles

YALCon off to liberating start

, Leonard Robinson

YALCon, a conference hosted by Young Americans for Liberty began on Wednesday, July 27 at the Sheraton Hotel in Reston, VA. Hosted annually, speakers are prime influencers and leaders in the liberty movement with some…

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Jefferson vs. Madison: Cato tackles Originalism

, Leonard Robinson

Ilan Wurman, attorney and legal scholar, has written a new book entitled, A Debt Against the Living: An Introduction to Originalism, providing further insight into the legal theory of originalism, a legal philosophy applied by conservative and libertarian jurists and academics.

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