Recent Articles

Academics Of The World Unite!

, Malcolm A. Kline

For years, intellectuals—particularly the academic variety—have proclaimed their solidarity with “the working class” but for one of them, this self-identification goes much deeper.

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Service Learning For Elites

, Malcolm A. Kline

If you thought service learning involved helping the unfortunate, you have no idea how expansively universities define the concept of “needy:”union organizing and faculty associations make the grade.

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McGreen Jobs

, Malcolm A. Kline

College graduates, disappointed to find that they are working in minimum-wage positions rather than the “green jobs” their university promised them, might be startled to learn that they got their wish.

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Elites Become More So

, Malcolm A. Kline

“Over the last thirty years, America’s test-prep companies have grown from almost nothing into a $5 billion annual industry, allowing the affluent to provide an admissions edge to their less able children.”–Ron Unz, The American Conservative, December 2012

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Agents of Inaccuracy

, Accuracy in Academia

“Despite the fact that more than half of faculty members say on surveys that an important goal for undergraduate instruction is to ‘encourage students to become agents of social change,’ colleges don’t have much of an effect on student political participation.” —Canadian sociologist Neil Gross

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Recent Articles

Evans’ 5 Simple Rules for a Vibrant Economy

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although he focused most of his energies in his later years on researching and writing about the history of espionage and internal security in the United States, he had quite a background in economics as well, much to the benefit of his readers over the course of his career.

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