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Where Keynes was right

, Malcolm A. Kline

From the blog of John Ray, Education International comes the following: Keynes did get some things right. His comment on education seems positively prophetic: “Education is the inculcation of the incomprehensible into the indifferent by the incompetent.”

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Grades Are Only Numbers

, Deborah Lambert

It would appear that the same people who actively oppose voter ID, do not believe that President Barack Obama should have to disclose his college grade point average.

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Training The Youth Vote

, Deborah Lambert

Pay more attention to the huge bloc of young voters, many of whom are starved for an alternate message on their college campuses where they are bombarded with a steady diet of leftist propaganda from their radical faculty members.

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Axis of Inaccuracy

, Malcolm A. Kline

One thing that journalism and the humanities have in common is that people don’t like either of them. Yet another thing they have in common is that journalists and English professors can’t figure out why.

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Me-Too Marxism?

, Malcolm A. Kline

“What other conclusion is possible when, to reach for the handiest exhibit, it is seen that the Republican Party has been able to rule only by becoming a socialist party, and there is a strong likelihood that it will be voted out of power in favor of the more knowingly socializing Democrats?”—Whitaker Chambers, 1957.

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The Road to Self-Esteem…

, Malcolm A. Kline

“It’s healthy to make God look like you. It’s a good self-esteem move.”—Monica A. Coleman, associate professor at the Claremont School of Theology, as quoted in Faith & Freedom magazine

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Return of Cold War

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those who treat the Cold War as a relic of the past ignore a salient fact: Communist regimes still exist, sometimes with nukes but always with human rights violations.

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Affirmative Action For Attitude

, Malcolm A. Kline

No matter what happens on Tuesday, in President Obama, academia has realized its greatest apex of influence, and created a poster child (albeit a middle-aged one) who is the living embodiment of its most monumental failure.

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