Recent Articles

Shariah’s American Breeding Ground

, Malcolm A. Kline

We now know that the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) in the United States served as a incubator for the spread of Shariah law in the Mideast.  No less a personage than Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi  can count himself an alumnus of the MSA.

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The Bill Ayers Primer

, Mary Grabar

Ayers and his allies used the “critical policy area” of education, and through four aims: “local school councils,” small schools, social justice teaching, and payment of reparations through education spending.

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Obama’s Academic Fight Club

, Malcolm A. Kline

Conspiracy theorists may go bananas over the latest evidence of collusion between higher education and the Obama Administration, but it may just be a case of birds of a feather working together, albeit more closely than ever.

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Recent Articles

Ayn Rand 101

, Malcolm A. Kline

She’s still a best-selling author off-campus, where people are not forced to buy her books. On campus, where everything is mandatory, Ayn Rand’s novels and essays are hard to find

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