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Conservatives Discuss Health Reform

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For the better part of the last year, health care reform has dominated the national legislative agenda. At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), panelists discussed alternatives for reform and ways that their individual organizations had already effected the political debate.

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Poetic Naiveté

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At a recent MLA panel, one academic criticized how, he argues, poets have abandoned their usual “skepticism” about political speech when it comes to President Barack Obama’s “eloquence.”

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Academic Wisdom Unboxed

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As one blogger notes, it is an academic tradition for professors to “try to one-up their colleagues by exchanging unintentionally hilarious sentences from students’ exams and final papers.” In a similar spirit, I will be providing some of the more striking statements made by professors discussing at the 2009 MLA Convention.

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The New Chicago School

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The college where Nobel Prize-winning free market economist Milton Friedman hung his hat for many a decade—the University of Chicago—has had a well-deserved reputation for going against the academic grain that at least dates back to the tenure of its former president Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977) during the Great Depression. By a happy coincidence, the conservative icon and the hero of liberals overlapped.

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The Teleprompter

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Although a veteran of the college lecture circuit, President Obama’s speech at West Point may have marked the first time he has ever spoken at an institution of higher learning that actually educates. Alas, he was not up to the challenge.

Although a veteran of the college lecture circuit, President Obama’s speech at West Point may have marked the first time he has ever spoken at an institution of higher learning that actually educates. Alas, he was not up to the challenge. He may want to go back to Georgetown.

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